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How Can Alcoholics Avoid DUIs?


If you are struggling with alcohol dependency, you are not alone. Alcohol dependency affects adults of all ages from all walks of life. The earlier people start drinking in life, the more difficult it often is for them to cut ties with alcohol or develop a more healthy relationship with the substance. 

In fact, the CDC estimates that more than 10,000 people died in alcohol-related crashes in 2016 alone. These fatal accidents represented 28% of all crash fatalities that occurred in America that year. So, what can you do to reduce the likelihood of becoming involved in one of these accidents and getting a DUI? 

Seek help 

What worked for a friend of yours might not work for you, so do not lose hope if AA, a specific rehabilitation center, or quitting cold turkey does not produce the results you hoped for. There are many options available for you to try. Keep experimenting until something works. 

Reconsider driving 

If you know you plan to drink when you go out, reconsider driving to the event. Instead, ask a friend to act as your designated driver. If the person does not have a car and he or she is a responsible driver, offer yours. You can pick up your friend and then that person becomes responsible for driving you home. Public transportation and cabs might also prove useful. 

Learn your limit 

Drunkenness often takes people by surprise. The smaller you are in body size, the more likely this is to happen. However, if you pay close attention to the signs, you might learn to spot them when you approach your limit. If you find you cannot stop drinking at this limit, this is a good time to give your car keys to a trusted friend, while you are still thinking clearly. 

Ultimately, none of these offer a foolproof path to ensure you never face accusations of a DUI. However, they do offer a start to help you steer clear of trouble while you work toward sobriety. 
