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How Often Do Drunk Driving Accidents Occur?


Road safety is one of the biggest challenges facing the U.S. Despite all the measures put in place to reduce the rates of accidents and deaths, drunk driving is still rampant across various states, and it contributes to nearly half of all accidents. 

Without radical changes in national policy and law enforcement, coupled with increased social awareness and responsibility, it may be harder to control this menace in the future. 

A breakdown 

Here is a breakdown of the drunk-driving situation on the US roads: 

  • At least 30 people die every day in accidents that involve a drunk drivers. This translates to one death every 48 minutes. 
  • California tops the list of states with the highest number of drunk-driving fatalities, with more than 1,000 incidents on record. Florida and North Carolina follow closely at the second spot. 
  • 1,233 people below the legal driving age (minors) lost their lives in road accidents in 2016. Of these, 214 (17%) drivers were under the influence of alcohol. 
  • Statistically, one in every three Americans is more likely to commit a drunk driving offense within their lifetime. 
  • For drivers aged 21 and below, the rates of DUI accidents have reduced by 54% since 1991. 
  • It is widely estimated that over 300,000 times a day, drivers get on the road while under the influence of alcohol. Out of these, authorities only manage to apprehend 2,800 culprits. This means that more than 90% of DUI offenders manage to get away with the crime. 
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk-driving accidents are higher during the holidays. Such accidents account for nearly 30% of all the reported cases. 

Notably, both the legal and financial outcomes of a DUI offense are not always favorable. Therefore, as a driver, you should avoid getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. This will help ensure that you and all other road users arrive at your destinations safely. 
