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What Do You Know About Budgeting for a DUI?


You received a DUI recently, and you have a lot to figure out. For instance, how does the legal charge affect your short- and long-term finances?

American Addiction Centers explain the various costs associated with drunk driving charges. Get the facts on how to adjust your budget for the full cost of a DUI.

Alternate Transportation Costs

If you lose your driving privileges, you must find alternate transportation to and from work and anywhere else you wish to go. That could mean taking taxis or using rideshare services to get around Texas, or your friends and family may not mind helping you. Either way, you must account for fares and gas money.

License Fees

When you lose your license after getting a DUI, you must pay a license fee to get it back. Even if you do not have to pay the fee until several months after losing your driving privileges, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars. Consider saving up sooner rather than later.

Car Insurance

Insurance companies may learn about at-risk drivers with DUIs when renewing a customer’s car insurance policy. Your carrier could drop you as a customer altogether, or the price of your premiums may skyrocket. Carriers who increase a customer’s rates after a DUI could keep the higher premiums in place for years. Even if you switch providers on your own, as an at-risk driver, you may have a hard time finding low rates and insurance companies willing to cover you.

Being proactive about understanding the price of a drunk driving charge may save you a lot of frustration and sticker shock.
